
Stock Code:
A 000055
B 200055
Legal declaration
Legal declaration
Fangda Group Co., Ltd. and all its affiliates and subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "Fangda") thank you for visiting the official website of Fangda group (www.bcwly.com) (hereinafter referred to as "this website")!

This legal statement (hereinafter referred to as "the statement") applies to all visitors to this website and all information, suggestions or services provided to you through this website. Therefore, please read the statement carefully before using this website, especially the relevant access rules. If you do not agree with any of the terms in the statement, please stop using or accessing this website; Once you use / visit this website, you will be deemed to have understood and fully agreed to the contents of this statement. For violations of these rules, Fang Da has the right to take legal and other relevant remedies.
Power of interpretation

The right to interpret this statement and the use of this website belongs to Fangda. Fang Da can modify the content on this website at any time without any notice or prompt, and the modification will take effect immediately when it is published. Fangda may terminate, change, suspend or suspend any aspect of the website at any time, such as restricting certain services or restricting your access to some or all of the features and services of the website without prior notice and without any responsibility.
No warranty and representation of website content
The materials and information contained in this website include but are not limited to texts, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links. Although Fang Dali intends to provide accurate materials and information on the website, due to Fang Da's incomplete grasp of the information, there may be some errors and omissions, and there may also be expired information, so Fang Da does not attach any form of guarantee or statement. At the same time, Fang Da expressly declares that he will not be responsible for the errors or omissions of these materials and contents, nor will he make any express or implied warranties on these materials and contents, including but not limited to relevant ownership guarantees, no infringement of the rights of third parties, quality and no computer viruses. You must use and browse this website at your own risk. Fang Dahe does not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage caused to you by the violation of relevant laws by the users of this website due to the violation of the provisions of this statement.
Access rules

You shall not use this website and any content contained therein for any illegal or prohibited purpose, nor use this website and any content contained therein for any illegal purpose, nor instigate any illegal activities or other activities that infringe the rights of Fangda or others.
You shall not access this website and any part thereof in any illegal way or without authorization, or accept any service provided through this website, or connect to any other system or network of Fangda server.
You agree not to take any actions that will have a negative impact on this website and its related architecture, system and network.
You shall not obtain or attempt to obtain any content of this website and any information of other users or visitors by means not provided by this website, nor abuse or disclose any service or information in this website in any way.
You shall not interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of this website and the normal use of this website by others in any way (including but not limited to the use of any equipment, software or program).
You agree to abide by national laws and regulations and social and public ethics when using this website and its contents. You shall not use this website and its contents to engage in the production, inspection, reproduction and dissemination of any illegal, infringement of the rights and interests of others and other acts that disrupt social order and social stability, nor use this website and its contents to engage in any activities that endanger or attempt to endanger the security of computer systems and networks.
Privacy protection
Fangda respects the privacy of users or visitors and does not collect user or visitor information without consent. Fangda promises not to provide the email, information and address of users or visitors to any third party without permission.
Copyright description
Fangda reserves all rights. All words, graphics, pictures, photos, audio files, animation files, video files, and all layout and other intellectual property rights of this website are protected, and all copyrights are owned by Fangda or its licensors, except for the contents that indicate references to other parties. Without the prior written permission of Fangda or other parties, you may not copy it for commercial purposes or distribution, nor modify it or use or publish it on other websites in any way.
Trademark logo
Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks and logos used and displayed on this website are within the scope of Fangda's trademark rights, including but not limited to the product model names of all industries of Fangda, as well as the company's logo, brand and image. Any content contained in this website shall not be deemed to grant permission or rights to use any of the foregoing trademarks and marks by implication, without objection or in other forms without the written permission of Fangda or other parties. Without prior written permission, no one is allowed to use the name of Fangda and the trademarks and logos of Fangda in any way.
Third party links
This website may retain links to third-party websites or web addresses, which are only provided to you as a convenient service, which does not mean that Fang Da recognizes and recommends these information, nor is it used for publicity or advertising purposes. Access to these links will be at your discretion, and Fangda does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of any information, data, views, pictures, statements or suggestions provided on these links. Once you use these links, you will leave this website. If you decide to visit any third-party website linked to this website, the possible results and risks will be borne by yourself. Fangda is not responsible for this.

Fangda has no obligation to monitor or check the information you enter on this website, and does not assume any responsibility and obligation related to the information you enter. Fangda reserves the right to check and delete the information you enter without prior notice and explanation in full accordance with its decision.
Fangda will not be liable for any damage that may be caused to your computer equipment or other property when you visit or use this website and its contents, or for any computer virus that may affect your computer equipment or other property. Fangda does not guarantee that this website will operate in good condition, be stable and reliable, or be error free. Fangda will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your inability to log on to this website or obtain information from this website in any way.
In addition, Fangda will not bear any responsibility for indirect, incidental, special or any form of punitive damages, nor will it bear any responsibility for the loss of any profit, income, data or data use. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Fangda, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Fangda will not bear any liability for the "materials" on this website, regardless of the reason for the liability or the infringement theory.
Application of law and dispute resolution
Disputes arising from this announcement or the use of this website shall be governed by the laws of the people's Republic of China, and the court with jurisdiction in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China shall have jurisdiction over relevant disputes.

Copyright ©2021 Fangda Group Co., Ltd All Right Reserved. 粤ICP备05036140号-1